Marc Jacobs In Halston For Browns

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Celebrating their 40s anniversary, the English Browns store organized an exhibition with images of famous fashion industry personalities, the Browns ambassadors.

Take Marc Jacobs for instance – he was photographed by Paolo Roversi wearing Halston and his most tragic face. Theatrical and somber, Marc Jacobs in Halston is some sight to see! Eva Herzigova in Mark Fast, Ann Demeulemeester in Ann Demeulemeester and Mrs B. in Marni. Fashionable ambassadors, my favorite still remains the tragic Marc Jacobs. Which one is yours? (hit the jump to see more images!) (via)

Marc Jacobs Browns Ambassador exhibition

Eva Herzigova Browns Ambassador exhibition

Ann Demeulemeester Browns Ambassador exhibition

Mrs B Browns Ambassador exhibition


#1 Adriana on 05.14.10 at 10:57 am

I’ve doubts who to choose; Marc or Ann?

#2 mdinah on 05.15.10 at 1:36 pm

i think is time to Marc check in at rehab again…what kind of culture are we receiving?? the glorification of consumerism,nothing else..

#3 Ellington on 05.16.10 at 11:39 am

I like Marc Jacobs but to tell the truth I miss the old geeky looking Marc with the glasses, he was like a real person then. This polished prefab one is not as real to me as a person, this Marc is more of a product.

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