Classique And Le Mâle Jean Paul Gaultier Perfume Ads

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Longing is the new love. Jean Paul Gaultier’s iconic perfumes Classique for women and Le Mâle for men look and feel ten times better than Kate Moss sniffing roses le morning après.

Of course, you’ll still have to watch the two ads to have your say and yes, it’s such a big, humongous cliché, but in the end, you’ll be charmed! Jean Baptiste Mondino and Jean Paul Gaultier, classics of advertising magic! (via)


#1 Adriana on 10.26.09 at 7:00 am

That’s another Jean-Baptiste than Karl’s right? Must be otherwise it ends up in a catfight.
Typical, the man dress himself before he leaves, the woman only needs her corset and her high-heels to go outside……:(

#2 Emma on 02.15.11 at 11:41 am

Who is the actor in the JPG advert above the sailor?

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