Zooey And Joe Dance

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I know it’s not Friday (yet) but why wouldn’t this be a Hump day break (especially after that smokin’ Moss motherhood style)? Zooey Deschanel had a new movie coming out. A new movie where she’s playing alongside Joseph Gordon-Levitt (500 Days of Summer). I haven’t had the pleasure of watching in the cinema it but I heard it’s wonderful.

Judging by this beautiful dance the two actors put together, I’d say Joseph Gordon Levitt is the next big (male) thing in cinema! (who would have thought back in the 3rd Rock days?) (oh, and in case you loved that song, there’s the original right after the jump : She & Him Why Do You Let Me Stay Here? – it’s really Zooey performing!)


#1 Sal on 08.12.09 at 10:28 am

You’ve GOTTA see the film, K. It’s FABULOUS!!!

#2 Adriana on 08.12.09 at 3:35 pm

Love this. Another refreshing girl to look at! (Just viewed the Super Naturals). Aha, so that’s Zooey Deschanel? And that new hunk? Gimme more of those!

#3 me on 08.13.09 at 4:31 am

Really really bad. That guy is cute (usually) but looks like some 14 year old kid in a suit. It’s not working at all if he’s supposed to be some suave, businessman/robber.
Also Zooey can’t act and is extremely boring and awkward.
Anyone who finds this good obviously does not even know the basics of dancing , rhythm etc, as it was terrible and boring.
Waste of time. I can’t believe people get paid to do such amateur stuff.
Both of these people are old jews. Joseph is a good actor but stuck to indies. Now they have both sold out. You obviously don’t pay much attention to anything if either of these 2 are ‘new’ to you.

#4 me on 08.13.09 at 4:33 am

LMAO old news, not jews.
That is one bad typo…

#5 Adriana on 08.13.09 at 6:43 am

@ Me: not at myself of course :D No, I do not pay attention to ALL things American, that’s right! I’m a European and I bet I can tell you some facts about European artists you never ever have heard off. And further each to their own? ;)

#6 Ellington on 08.13.09 at 7:04 am

I like Zooey and Gorden in this video, also I do think that she can act. It is quirky like the movie, and the dancing is not suppose to be ballroom level. That is not what is expected or implied.
As Adrianna said: “To each their own”.

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